*** Over several years, our team has successfully specialised in one-to-one training and preparation of individuals for the solicitors’ exams for the GDL (The General Diploma in Law), the LPC (Legal Practice Certificate) exams, as well as the QLTS (the cross qualifying exams for foreign lawyers).
*** We have developed a tried and tested method of structured training for lawyers, which has helped several new entrants to the profession, to excel not only in their exams but also in their profession.
*** OUR TRAINING is unique - It is delivered in a “boutique setting”, in-house as well as online.
We deliver individual training, as opposed to delivering training in large groups, where most legal trainees get lost, feel embarrassed to ask necessary questions or there is not sufficient time to interact with the legal trainer.
This simply means that we never have more than 4 (FOUR) students at any time in a tutorial.
This is to ensure that you get the maximum amount of training and guidance: Legal analysis; procedure; advocacy; document management; legal reading and research. This, we feel is essential and fundamental to first class legal training. This will ensure that you develop and master legal skills and acquire confidence going forward, in your career.
Furthermore, we will endeavour to see that any student who struggles, receives one to one tutorial so that they are not left behind.
These will be attended by no more than 30 (THIRTY) students at any given time so that questions can always be taken by the lecturer at the end of any lecture at least 30 minutes will be allowed for questions from students.
Excel Legal Education Ltd. has been delivering one-to-one method of tuition for years with the experience of having tutored students from all the law schools for the LPC and QLTS exams, with consistent and excellent results. Whether clients come to us prior to sitting exams or after having tried and failed…. we always deliver the best services and results for our clients.
We are invested in the outcome WITH our clients.
We are now accepting applicants for training, who wish to start training for SQE2:
April 2024 assessment window
First sitting: 7-8 May 2024
Second sitting: 9-10 May 2024
Third sitting: 14-15 May 2024
Fourth sitting: 16-17 May 2024
Written: 30 April - 2 May 2024
Pearson VUE locations in the UK and internationally
July 2024 assessment window
First sitting: 31 July - 1 August 2024
Second sitting: 6-7 August 2024
Third sitting: 8-9 August 2024
Written: 13-15 August 2024
Pearson VUE locations in the UK and internationally
October 2024 assessment window
First sitting: 23-24 October 2024
Second sitting: 29-30 October 2024
Third sitting: 31 October - 1 November 2024
Written: 5-7 November 2024
Pearson VUE locations in the UK and internationally
January 2025 assessment window
First sitting: 30-31 January 2025
Second sitting: 4-5 February 2025
Third sitting: 6-7 February 2025
Written: 11-13 February 2025
Pearson VUE locations in the UK and internationally
Booking closing date
Booking for SQE2 closes approximately five weeks before the assessment sitting.
For up-to-date information, please refer to the SRA timings page:
When you can take the SQE | SQE | Solicitors Regulation Authority (
N.B. Full syllabus will be given upon registration.
Kindly see overview below, which we encourage you to read as well as all the links provided.
You can be admitted to the SQE course if you have passed SQE1 or if you’ve passed the MCTs.

Below is an overview provided by the SRA of the exam specification complete with the areas of law we will cover with you, for exam preparation.
For full information, please visit the SRA's SQ2 assessment specifications:
SQE2 assessment specification | SQE | Solicitors Regulation Authority (
Guidance on the SQE2 Assessment Specification
Overview of the SQE2 assessment
Legal skills assessments
The legal skills assessments in SQE2 are:
client interview and attendance note/legal analysis
case and matter analysis
legal research
legal writing
legal drafting.
Further detail about each of these assessments is given in Assessments in SQE2.
Although there is no separate assessment called negotiation, all deliveries of SQE2 will contain at least one assessment involving negotiation. Negotiation may be assessed in either interview and attendance note/legal analysis and/or case and matter analysis and/or legal writing.
Practice areas
The practice areas in which these legal skills are assessed are:
Criminal Litigation (including advising clients at the police station)
Dispute Resolution
Property Practice
Wills and Intestacy, Probate Administration and Practice
Business organisations, rules and procedures (including money laundering and financial services).
Questions in these practice areas may draw on underlying black letter law in the Functioning Legal Knowledge (FLK) as follows:
Criminal Litigation: Criminal liability
Dispute Resolution: Contract law and tort
Property Practice: Land law
Wills and Intestacy, Probate Administration and Practice: Trusts
Business organisations, rules and procedures: Contract law.
Professionalism and ethics will be core parts of SQE2. Questions on ethics will be pervasive throughout SQE2. Ethical issues will not be flagged and candidates will need to identify any ethical and professional conduct issues and exercise judgment to resolve them honestly and with integrity.
Questions involving taxation may arise in Property Practice; Wills and Intestacy, Probate Administration and Practice; and Business organisations, rules and procedures.
Detail of the examinable content covered is given in Annex 1. Property Practice is under the headings freehold and leasehold real estate law and practice and core principles of planning law. Annex 1 is a sub-set of the FLK in SQE1. For the avoidance of doubt the legal system of England and Wales, constitutional and administrative law and EU law, legal services (apart from money laundering and financial services) and solicitors’ accounts are not examined in SQE2. Money laundering and financial services are examinable in the context of business organisations, rules and procedures.
Organisation and delivery
For practical purposes SQE2 is divided into two parts as follows:
SQE2 oral
The assessments in SQE2 oral are:
Interview and attendance note/legal analysis
SQE2 oral will take place over two half days. The following table shows the assessments candidates will undertake on each of the days. Candidates will take a total of four oral legal skills assessments.
Day 1
Advocacy (Dispute Resolution)
Interview and attendance note/legal analysis (Property Practice)
Day 2
Advocacy (Criminal Litigation)
Interview and attendance note/legal analysis (Wills and Intestacy, Probate Administration and Practice)
Please note that different candidates may complete the assessments in different orders. Candidates may therefore start with either the interview and attendance note/legal analysis or the advocacy.
Further details of the assessments are available in Assessments in SQE2 as follows: Client interviewing and completion of attendance note/legal analysis and Advocacy.
SQE2 written
The assessments in SQE2 written are:
Case and matter analysis
Legal research
Legal writing
Legal drafting
SQE2 written takes place over three half-days. You will take a total of 12 written legal skills assessments.
Day 1
Case and matter analysis
Legal drafting
Legal research
Legal writing
Two of these exercises will be in the context of Dispute Resolution and two will be in the context of Criminal Litigation.
Day 2
Case and matter analysis
Legal drafting
Legal research
Legal writing
Two of these exercises will be in the context of Property Practice and two will be in the context of Wills and Intestacy, Probate Administration and Practice.
Day 3
Case and matter analysis
Legal drafting
Legal research
Legal writing
You will sit all assessments in the context of Business Organisations, Rules and Procedures.
You may complete the assessments in a different order to that listed.
Further details of the assessments are available in Assessments in SQE2 as follows: Case and matter analysis, Legal research, Legal writing and Legal drafting
Marking SQE2
The interviewing station will be marked by the assessor playing the role of the client and will be marked on skills only. The attendance note and all other stations will be marked by a solicitor who will assess candidates on both skills and application of law.
The assessment criteria against which candidates will be judged in each of the six types of legal skills stations are provided at Assessments in SQE2 below. Performance in each of these criteria will be assessed on a scale from A – F by trained assessors making global professional judgments related to the standard of competency of the assessment1 as follows:
Superior performance: well above the competency requirements of the assessment
Clearly satisfactory: clearly meets the competency requirements of the assessment
Marginal pass: on balance, just meets the competency requirements of the assessment
Marginal fail: on balance, just fails to meet the competency requirements of the assessment
Clearly unsatisfactory: clearly does not meet the competency requirements of the assessment
Poor performance: well below the competency requirements of the assessment.
This grading will then be converted into numerical marks such that A = 5 marks and F = 0 marks.
The marking criteria for each of the stations has been divided into marks for skills and marks for application of law. In arriving at a final mark for the candidate across all assessments, skills and application of law are weighted equally. This is to make sure that adequate weighting is given to the quality of the advice provided.
Level of legal detail required
In demonstrating that they have reached the standard of competency of a Day One Solicitor, candidates will need to demonstrate that they can apply fundamental legal principles in the skills based situations covered by SQE2 in a way that addresses the client’s needs and concerns. They will need sufficient knowledge to make them competent to practise on the basis that they can look up detail later. Candidates will not be expected to know or address detail that a Day One Solicitor would look up, unless they have been provided with that detail as part of the assessment materials. See also the legal materials section below. Sample questions and indicative answers will be published on the SQE website.
Application of law
The assessment criteria for SQE2 refer to correct and comprehensive application of law. The following is a non-exhaustive list of what this may include:
Identifying relevant legal principles
Applying legal principles to factual issues, so as to produce a solution which best addresses a client’s needs and reflects the client’s commercial or personal circumstances, including as part of a negotiation
Interpreting, evaluating and applying the results of research
Ensuring that advice is informed by appropriate legal analysis and identifies the consequences of different options
Drafting documents which are legally effective
Applying understanding, critical thinking and analysis to solve problems
Assessing information to identify key issues and risks
Recognising inconsistencies and gaps in information
Evaluating the quality and reliability of information
Using multiple sources of information to make effective judgments
Reaching reasoned decisions supported by relevant evidence.
Correct and comprehensive application of law
The assessment criteria for application of law refer to legally correct and legally comprehensive. How each of these is interpreted will depend on an academic judgment about each assessment informed by the Statement of Solicitor Competence (Annex 3) and the Functioning Legal Knowledge for SQE2 (Annex 1). For instance, in an assessment where the candidate has to identify the legal issues, credit for this might be given under legally comprehensive. Where the legal issues are made explicit in the question, credit under legally comprehensive might be awarded for giving a comprehensive analysis of those issues, not just for identifying them.
Clear, precise, concise and acceptable language
The assessment criteria for the written skills refer to clear, precise, concise and acceptable language. This may include:
Using clear, succinct and accurate language and avoiding unnecessary technical terms where they are not appropriate to the recipient
Using an acceptable style of communication for the situation and recipient.
Passing SQE2
In order to pass SQE2 candidates must obtain the overall pass mark for SQE2. For the avoidance of doubt please note that there is not a separate pass mark for SQE2 oral and SQE2 written. There is one pass mark for SQE2 as a whole. For details of how the pass mark is set see the Marking and Moderation Policy (this will be made available in the future).
Legal materials
For all stations except legal research, candidates will be provided, as part of their assessment materials, with materials that a Day One Solicitor would look up.
Candidates will need sufficient knowledge to make them competent to practise on the basis that they can look up detail later. Candidates will not be expected to know or address detail that a Day One Solicitor would look up, unless they have been provided with that detail as part of their assessment materials. However, legal materials will only be provided where it is considered that a Day One Solicitor would need to refer to those materials. Sample questions and indicative answers will be published on the SQE website. For detail on the legal research assessment see Legal research.
Any other materials, such as books and notes, cannot be brought into or used during the assessments.
Assessments in SQE2
Annex 1 – Functioning Legal Knowledge for SQE2
Annex 2 – Threshold Standard
Annex 3 – Statement of Solicitor Competence
Annex 4 – SQE2 skills mapping against the SoSC
For a free consultation, kindly call us on 0207 088 8468 or send us a quick email to:
One of our senior tutors will be happy to discuss your personal needs with you free of cost.